Sunday, December 09, 2007

Morning thoughts . . .

I am faithfully attempting to integrate the GTD (Getting Things Done) into my lifestyle. GTD was/is a regimen for organizing one's doings, or rather a methodology for action management. It comes from David Allen who has become the new guru of the 'knowledge worker' set. I have sort of adopted his general idea to create two files, PROJECTS and TODO. The first being a list of everything I want to get done (sort of a landscape of what I want to do) from which I produce a daily TODO list. It's really something that has become necessary in the past few months as my brainstorming has gone all over the place, resulting in notes on napkins, back of receipts, and sketches scribbled throughout three different notebooks. So, now do I bring it all together, well maybe this GTD-esque approach will help. For me, lists have always been a great assist.

I've been reading the Stockhausen obituaries out there; there are a few. I think what was really amazing/provocative was his singular vision, his singular purpose. He had his ideas about what/where/who he was and he expressed it through his music and his life. This is what resonates to us as his personality, a personality which he said was, in itself, "a universal statement." Some of the obituaries I have read reflect on this statement as a demonstration of his grandiose/pompous personality. But, I don't see this as being so . . . rather I feel this probably was how he saw the world, how he approached it . . . singular vision. If only we all could be so resolutely focused . . . instead of just going through the motions, as it were.




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