Monday, October 30, 2006

Must . . . update . . . blog . . . .


Still enjoying Cassis. Special note to anonymous (mediocre euphonium player from a small Texas town) . . . identify theyself. Hope you are doing well.

On other notes: Heading off to Helsinki at the end of next week to perform Meditation at the Sibelius Academy with, well . . . a harpist. Yet another note, I will be giving my fellow's talk next week, so I am trying to get things together for that. Peter Sinclair has been kind enough to invite me to present at Locus Sonus upon my return from Helsinki to talk about SARC and what I am doing here at Camargo. Which we come to next . . .

I am working right now on trying to model a musical metaphor, that of the composer-as-explorer, navigating through compositional space. Compositional space could be thought of as a multi-dimensional area where music resides, defined by details such as timbre, frequency, event, etc. So, there are limits to what the composer can realize in each composition, defined by the limits (or the contents) of this compositional space. For example, if you are going to write a composition for alto flute and congas, well, you can only do those things and work within a range of possibilities that are defined by the characteristics of the alto flute and congas (range, timbre, envelope, etc). Thus, one of the most important questions a composer faces is, how will he/she populate the compositional space. What will he use. Of course, in electroacoustic music this becomes very important, especially if one subscribes to the Schaefferian sounding object idea where a composer collects, creates, delineates a set of sounds, a collection of discreet events with which he/she intends to play. So, the early explorations of this idea are based around improvisatory practice upon a two dimensional grid.

I am currently working with five collections of sounds. For example, I have five folders on my desktop here that contain an assortment of 25 sounds each . . . 25 samples, 25 little recordings, 25 sound objects . . . however you want to identify them. Inside a Max/MSP patch (a configurable software environment for controlling sound) I have created a simple 5x5 grid, kinda like a mini-checkerboard. This grid represents a collection of 25 (5 x 5 = 25) sound objects. So, this grid becomes a subset within compositional space . . . a very basic subset along a 2-dimensional x/y axis. As you run your cursor over the grid, the corresponding sound object will 'play'. So, this is 'event' space, or perhaps, 'timbre' space. (I think eventually 'event' space will become more of a 'meta' space as the definition of event changes . . . this is a note to me, not necessarily anything the present reader needs to follow in order to trace this idea.) With timbre space defined, the composer can begin navigating in search of sound combinations . . . of course, at present the system only allows one to move through space linearly. This is to say, that a composer/performer/whatever has to move from one grid space, one grid block, to an adjacent grid block on his/her way to another grid block . . . kinda, you can't move from your front porch to the sidewalk without walking through the front lawn/garden. Thus, there should be ways to move from grid A to C without going through B. Here I start blabbering/imagining musical worm holes, alternate dimensions, timbral hyperspace, and string theory . . . it's beyond my comprehension now, but once I work with a few theoretical physicists on this project, maybe we can do it. But, I digress, for now the project runs in two dimensions . . . cartesian, linear, predictable for the most part. (ie, I need to mention that musical spaces, compositions, should be developed that are basically relative, that is, they are different depending on what dimension you are viewing them from . . . thus, the composition is forever changing as your perspective on it changes . . . wow.)

So, all this say that I'm not THERE yet. So, I have five of thes 5x5 grids being played/performed/activated simultaneously. I developed a mixer that crossfades between these musical sets, kinda like having 5 stereos going and turning them up and down simultaneously . . . well, then we start to get crossfades between set A and set B, somewhere in between these sets is a subset which is part set A and part set B. It is a combination, we could call it A.5, A-and-a-half or A+B/B (I don't want to go there, but it intuitively seems correct, maybe). Anyway, I am trying to create space (subspaces, rather) between these sets.

This all being said there are other spaces besides 'timbre' space, there is probably a 'gesture' space with subsets of 'onset' and 'sustain' space; there are probably 'processing' or 'transformative' spaces where events are processed/transformed into other entities (kinda like a machine extruding raw material into alternative shapes). Spaces are also performed, that is they are interfaced by performers, someone actuates the space; thus, there is a 'performance' space. I think you can begin to fill in the ideas.

So, eventually, we build a giant three dimensional virtual reality representation of this system, have a few beers and take it out for a test drive. In in end, it's just for music -- any large institution care to get on board with this one? I will teach for you, do research, write papers, make music . . . etc.

Thanks for letting me get this all out in an open forum.



Blogger mutantsounds said...

Yeah yeah yeah - you're just putting stuff through your Metropolis patch again, aren't you....

But seriously. You should have a look at one of the more recent editions of Formalized Music by Xenakis. He talks about similar ideas, once you get past the mathematics. Especially towards the end of the book (later editions only) - he starts talking about set theory and sieves.

On other news: today, for the first time in years, I actually sat down in a studio, uninterrupted, for 3 or 4 hours, and composed. Not "wrote code for a performance happening in 10 minutes because you haven't had time to do it before 'cos the bloody students are constantly knocking on your door and annoying the shit out of you or somebody is ringing because they drilled a hole through their computer to hang it on the wall to save space and are wondering why it doesn't turn on anymore or you are dealing with paperwork after being accused of musical fascism because somebody didn't bother their arse doing any work all semester and then got upset when they got crap marks", but composed. Feels great.

7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is Hilda, Texas?? Been trying to find it on a map and I can't.

2:56 PM  
Blogger mutantsounds said...

How long have you got left over there anyway? Where to next?

Anyway, here's a little something to impress the French...

Étant donné l’existence telle qu’elle jaillit des récents travaux publics de Poinçon et Wattman d’un Dieu personnel quaquaquaqua à barbe blanche quaqua hors du temps de l’étendue qui du haut de sa divine apathie sa divine athambie sa divine aphasie nous aime bien à quelques exceptions près on ne sai pourquoi mais ça viendra et souffre à l’instar de la divine Miranda avec ceux qui sont on ne sait pourquoi mais on a le temps dans le tourment dans les feux dont les feux les flammes pour peu que ça dure encore un peu et qui peut en douter mettront à la fin le feu aux poutres assavoir porteront l’enfer aux nues si bleues par moments encore aujourd’hui et calmes si calmes d’un calme qui peut être intermittent n’en est pas moins le bienvenu mais n’anticipons pas et attendu d’autre part qu’à la suite des recherches inachevées n’anticipons pas des recherches inachevées mais néanmoins couronées par l’Acacacacadémie d’Anthropopopométrie de Berne-en-Bresse de Testu et Conard il est établi sans autre possibilité d’erreur que celle afférente aux calcus humains qu’à la suite des recherches inachevées inachevées de Testu et Conard il est établie tabli tabli ce qui suit qui suit qui suit assavoir mais n’anticipons pas on ne sait pourquoi à la suite des travaux de Poinçon et Wattmann il apparaît aussi clairement si clairement qu’en vue des labours de Fartov et Belcher inachevés inachevés on ne sait pourquoi de Testu et Conard inachevés inachevés il apparaît que l’homme contrairement à l’opinion contraire que l’homme en Bresse de Testu et Conard que l’homme enfin bref que l’homme en bref enfin malgré les progrès de l’alimentation et de l’élimination des déchets est en train de maigrir et en meme temps parallèlement on ne sait pourquoi malgré l’essor de la culture physique de la pratique des sports tels tels tels le tennis le football la course et à pied et à bicyclette la natation l’équitation l’aviation la conation le tennis le camogie le patinage et sur glace et sur asphalte le tennis l’aviation les sports les sports d’hiver d’été d’automne d’automne le tennis sur gazon sur sapin et sur terre battue l’aviation le tennis le hockey sur terre sur mer et dans les airs la pénicilline et succédanés bref je reprends en même temps parallèlement de rapetisser on ne sait pourquoi malgré le tennis je reprends l’aviation le golf tant à neuf qu’à dix-huit trous le tennis sur glace bref on ne sait pourquoi en Seine Seine-et-Oise Seine-et-Marne Marne-et-Oise assavoir en même temps parallèlement on ne sait pourquoi de maigrir rétrécir je reprends Oise Marne bref la perte sèche par tête de pipe depuis la mort de Voltaire étant de l’ordre de deux doigts cent grammes par tête de pipe environ en moyenne à peu près chiffres ronds bon poids déshabillé en Normandie on ne sait pourquoi bref enfin peu importe les faits sont là et considérant d’autre part ce qui est encore plus grave qu’il ressort ce qui est encore plus grave qu’à la lumière la lumière des expériences en cours de Steinweg et Petermann il ressort ce qui est encore plus grave qu’il ressort ce qui est encore plus grave à la lumière la lumière des expériences abandonnées de Steinweg et Petermann qu’à la campagne à la montagne et au bord de la mer et des cours et d’eau et de feu l’air est le même et la terre assavoir l’air et la terre par les grands froids l’air et la terre faits pour les pierres par les grands froids hélas au septième de leur ère l’éthere la terre la mer pour les pierres par les grands fonds les grands froids sur mer sur terre et dans les air peuchère je reprends on ne sait pourquoi malgré le tennis les faits sont là on ne sait pourquoi je reprends au suivant bref enfin hélas au suivant pour les pierres qui peut en douter je reprends mais n’anticipons pas je reprends la tête en meme temps parallèlement on ne sait pourquoi malgré le tennis au suivant la barbe les flammes les pleurs les pierres si bleues si calmes hélas la tête la tête la tête la tête en Normandie malgré le tennis les labours abandonnés inachevés plus grave les pierres bref je reprends hélas hélas abandonnés inachevés la tête la tête en Normandie malgré le tennis la tête
hélas les pierres Conard Conard... Tennis! ... Les pierres! ... Si calmes! ... Conard! ... Inachevés! ...

7:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deine Post überprüfen. Nicht weg werfen. Es konnte eine überraschung in ihr geben.

1:22 PM  
Blogger mutantsounds said...

¿Cuántas idiomas podemos utilizar en este poste?

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Esto es emocionante. Jason no escribe cualquier cosa pero.

10:38 PM  

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