Thursday, March 08, 2007

Kalimbatronics MARK II

Here is a cleaned up version of the earlier thumb-actuated project. Now, the goal is to develop the software which will make the interface relevant. More info on that soon. For now, enjoy the picture. That is an Arduino board there mounted under the breadboard -- the USB serial connection is peaking out.

On another topic, our local NPR station is having its PLEDGE DRIVE this week. If you don't know what this is then you must be in a more civilized part of the world where the populace actually considers non-profit, informative, non-commercial, public radio a 'good thing.' Anyway, one of the talking heads (mouths?) was blabbing about how great is was that one could go back and 'listen again' to shows that may have been missed during the week, this all being done via the INTERNET website. She then said something that caught my ear. "Radio isn't ephemeral anymore, you can always go back and listen to it again." Radio, no longer ephemeral, kinda cheapens it to me.

Just a thought.



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