It's corrections . . .
It looks a little something like this (none-too-glamorous):
A short walk across Belfast brings us to filling in the submission forms:
Yes, the registrar's office will actually look through your dissertation to make sure the dates are all correct and you have not inadvertantly misspelled the title. If they findy anything wrong they won't accept it.
It appears all is well. Our friend Paul, the poet and recent PhD initiate, generously agrees to take us on a trip to the coast. A seafood lunch and an after-coffee chat on the back porch ensues:
Afterwards we headed off to the coast, where the mountains meet the sea:
Next we were off to Dingle to visit friend and colleague Rachel Holstead:
Then from Dingle to Dublin to Holyhead (Wales) to London in one day, via car, train, ferry and bus. This is Angela on the train somwhere in Wales: