Thursday, July 27, 2006

It's corrections . . .

Just in case you're curious. I am finishing corrections to the dissertation this week. Hopefully have it off to the internal in a few days.


Saturday, July 22, 2006

A portfolio of original photos with commentary . . .

The binding process entails six copies of the following: one dissertation (120 pages), five scores (@ 100 pages), five CDs of software, 2 CDs of recordings and 2 DVDs of multi-channel files and video work.

It looks a little something like this (none-too-glamorous):

A short walk across Belfast brings us to filling in the submission forms:

Yes, the registrar's office will actually look through your dissertation to make sure the dates are all correct and you have not inadvertantly misspelled the title. If they findy anything wrong they won't accept it.

It appears all is well. Our friend Paul, the poet and recent PhD initiate, generously agrees to take us on a trip to the coast. A seafood lunch and an after-coffee chat on the back porch ensues:

Afterwards we headed off to the coast, where the mountains meet the sea:

Next we were off to Dingle to visit friend and colleague Rachel Holstead:

Then from Dingle to Dublin to Holyhead (Wales) to London in one day, via car, train, ferry and bus. This is Angela on the train somwhere in Wales:

Friday, July 21, 2006

Results . . . etc.

The viva went well and everyone was very positive. The hour and a half progressed quite quickly. I was told the portfolio was very good and that there were only minor corrections. This is a good result and the most usual one. Everyone does corrections.

Angela and I have been on the road for the past week. Leaving Belfast, we traveled to Dingle, calling on my friend Rachel Holstead and then up to Limerick to see my friend Riana. We are now in London visiting my good buddy Brock.

Angela and I got out British Library cards yesterday: she is going to research cooking, I am going to handle a minor corrections to my dissertation which I hope to resubmit in about 10 days. (The library card is a good move as London is very hot right now and the British Library is very air conditioned.) After resubmission, the internal examiner will hopefully check off the corrections and I become Doctor. All is good.

On another note, we have been trying to use the camera more; so I have photos of our travels from Dingle -> Limerick -> Dublin -> Irish Ferries -> Holyhead (Whales) -> London. I will post the montage once it is all put together. Give me a day or so. I intend to make these postings daily so check back more often.

Off to the library,


Sunday, July 09, 2006

Viva Voce tomorrow . . .

Remember, I am the expert!

I will let you all know how it goes . . .


Sunday, July 02, 2006

Verio out the door . . .

Sorry guys, my provider in the States, Verio, has fucked up the email for the last time. I am cancelling my account and moving to another service provider. My email has been down for 3 weeks and this is just too unreasonable. In the meantime, catch me at either the QUB address, j.geistweidt AT qub DOT ac DOT uk or at the the hotmail account, geistweidtinspain AT hotamail DOT com.

Fuck Verio. (Pardon my francaise . . .) Will update when geistweidt DOT com moves to a better provider.


Saturday, July 01, 2006

Submitted . . .

The dissertation is IN. As the registrar's receipt shows:

Viva on the the 10th.

Rest for now.
